Top 11 Important Revolutionizations In Quantum Computing

Top 11 Important Revolutionizations in Quantum computing

by Alex Noah — 2 years ago in Artificial Intelligence 3 min. read

Quantum computing is still in its infancy. Conventional computing has pushed the limits of what can be done with known manufacturing methods.

However, quantum computing is still a mystery to computer scientists and business leaders. It also inspires fear in cryptography experts. Some predictions predict that the quantum computing industry will reach US$5billion by 2020.

This indicates that it will continue to grow quickly in the coming years. How can businesses benefit from this growth? What are the best areas for quantum computing? These are 11 quantum computing revolutionaries you should be looking into.


Quantum technology can enable more advanced computer simulations in aviation settings. It is possible to save time and money by scheduling and routing aircraft. Airbus and Lockheed Martin, two large companies, are actively exploring the sector and investing to maximize the technology’s computational power.

Data Analytics

Quantum computing and quantum mechanics can solve huge problems. Topological analysis is a study in which geometric forms behave in certain ways.

It explains calculations that are impossible to achieve with ordinary computers today. You can reduce this to very basic computations with quantum computing.

NASA is looking into quantum computing for its vast data collection about the universe. This will allow it to develop safer and more efficient space flight methods.


For forecasting and predicting diverse scenarios, large and complex data sets are necessary. For example, traditional weather modeling has a limit to the inputs that can still be processed by computers. If you add too many factors, the model will take longer than the forecast to complete.

Weather is a major factor in US GDP, with about 30% affected by it. Being able to predict it better would be a huge benefit to the economy.

Utilities Management

The future super computing technology will have significant impacts on the utility and energy industries. Quantum grid, cybersecurity, load pattern tracking and leakage detection, consumer and worker analytics, and cybersecurity will all transform how billions of people use electricity and water. It’s exciting to see how these things work together.


Quantum computing is most popularly used for advanced cryptography. Today’s computers are unable to break encryption that uses very large prime numbers factoring (300+ integers).

Quantum computers might make this decryption easier, which will increase our digital security and protect our possessions. We’ll also be able crack traditional encryption much faster.


It is very beneficial to find patterns in data and use them to predict future trends. Volkswagen is exploring how quantum computing could be used to alert drivers 45 minutes in advance of traffic conditions. Quantum computers will be able to predict the behavior and match traffic patterns in a complex system like today’s traffic.

Medical Research

There are literally billions upon billions of possible ways that something could respond to the human body. This number increases exponentially when you consider that this medication could be given to billions of people with very different genetic makeups.

It can take pharmaceutical companies up to 10 years to create and bring new medications to market. Quantum computing can significantly reduce the time and costs of bringing a new medication to market. It makes it easier to reuse existing medicines for new uses and allows computational chemists faster to make new discoveries that could lead to new treatments.

Supply Chain Management

Quantum computing is expected to have an impact on the supply chain first. If Covid-19 has taught us anything it is that global production networks can be complex and dangerous.

Quantum computing will enable companies to manage their supply networks more efficiently and reduce disruptions.

Pharmaceutical Research and Development

Quantum computing uses nonbinary concepts, which are closer to nature. Quantum computers might be more efficient at creating personalized medicines for people with specific genomes, ages, or environments. There are many variations in this natural problem, so a new processing model is needed.

Fraud Detection

Although quantum computing is now a mainstream technology, we still have much to learn about its potential. The incredible processing power of quantum devices can make optimizations, random checks and machine learning possible.

This means that there is less risk and more power to detect fraud in cybersecurity and finance. This means that you can assess patients more efficiently, manage supply chains and do so across all sectors.

Self-Driving Vehicles

Self-driving cars are being developed by automakers such as Tesla and internet giants Apple and Google. It will improve the standard of living for most people and reduce pollution as well as traffic congestion.

Google and Volkswagen are also using quantum computers to improve their battery, transport and self-driving technologies. Already, Volkswagen has improved traffic flow for 10,000 taxis in Beijing. Quantum computing promises even greater benefits.


Quantum computers can be used to transform massive industrial data sets about operational failures into combinatorial issues. When combined with a quantum-inspired method, they can pinpoint the component that caused product failure occurrences.

Quantum computing may help reduce costly failures in goods such as microchips. The manufacturing process can include thousands of steps.

Quantum computing has been a hot topic in recent years due to its ability to solve large-scale combinatorics problems efficiently and inexpensively. Discovering new applications that benefit from quantum solutions may hold the greatest potential.

Alex Noah

Alex is senior editor of The Next Tech. He studied International Communication Management at the Hague University of Applied Sciences.

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